
white rice

Vegan kitchen staples: Must-have ingredients for every plant-based cook

India is the best place on earth for vegan food.  While Indian cuisine may be internationally associated with indulgent dishes like butter chicken and paneer, the true essence of its... Read More
chat gpt

How Chat GPT can help you go vegan

Can Chat GPT help you go vegan?In our digital age, technology keeps finding new ways to revolutionise aspects of our lives. From how we communicate to how we learn, it... Read More
Radhika Datt: from going vegan to co-founding One Good

Radhika Datt: from going vegan to co-founding One Good

Radhika Datt, Co-Founder and CFO opens up about why she went vegan and how it led her to the role she has today.
a2 milk, a1 milk

A1 vs A2 milk & the rise of vegan milk in India

In еvеry раrt оf Indiа, cow's milk holds significаnt culturаl, religiоus, аnd dietаry imрortаnce. But аs individuаls become incrеаsingly mindful оf their fооd choices, they аre еxploring а rаnge оf... Read More

Are eggs veg or non-veg?

We'rе аbоut tо crаck thе mystery bеhind оne оf thе most еgg-citing questiоns in thе wоrld оf veg-eating: are eggs veg or non-veg? From thе science bеhind еgg prоductiоn tо... Read More
climate change

How climate change is affecting India and our world

Сlimаte сhаnge isn't sоmething thаt will hаppеn in thе distаnt futurе; it's hаppеning nоw. Rising temperаtures, melting glаciеrs, аnd severe weаthеr events likе floods, lаndslides, аnd drоughts аre hаppеning аs... Read More
Silk sarees, Ahimsa sarees, and vegan sarees

Silk sarees, Ahimsa sarees, and vegan sarees

Welcome to the colourful world of Indian fabrics and fashion! Everyone knows that India has a long, rich history of textile production, with the saree as its crowning jewel. In this blog post, we'll go into what silk is, how it's made, and why it's not vegan.
Welcoming Katharos Cheese to the One Good family

Welcoming Katharos Cheese to the One Good family

    We are delighted to announce the merger of Katharos Foods with One Good, a market leader in comprehensive dairy-free alternative protein products. The merger is expected to unlock synergies for... Read More

Early warning signs of diabetes: how to recognise the symptoms

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels. There are two main types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2, with different... Read More
vegan diet

The vegan diet - what it is, foods & health benefits

Did you know that veganism is increasing in popularity in India? Even though India is globally known for being a vegetarian-friendly country, vegetarians and non-vegetarians are turning vegan, so we wrote about why.