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How Whole, Plant-Based Foods May Promote Healthy Ageing

How Whole, Plant-Based Foods May Promote Healthy Ageing

Ageing is inevitable because it's a natural part of life. That's why so much of it is out of our control. But what if you could delay it? You may... Read More
Are vegans funny? | Funny vegan jokes, movie puns, memes, and more!

Are vegans funny? | Funny vegan jokes, movie puns, memes, and more!

Looking for some harmless fun? Contrary to popular belief, vegans can take a joke. If you’re new to a plant-based lifestyle, vegan jokes are a lot like vegan foods: they're... Read More
Vegan chocolate cake recipe | Simple, easy, and delicious

Vegan chocolate cake recipe | Simple, easy, and delicious

Chocolate cake is the most popular cake flavour in the world for good reasons, but this vegan chocolate cake recipe will make it hard to believe it can be this... Read More
What is the best vegan mylk? | One Good mylk is all you need!

What is the best vegan mylk? | One Good mylk is all you need!

So, you've been hearing a lot about "mylk" and you're ready to try it, but you're not sure where to begin.  Or maybe, you've found yourself flipping through recipes, only... Read More
Is there such thing as a dairy-free ghee? There is, and we have your questions answered!

Is there such thing as a dairy-free ghee? There is, and we have your questions answered!

We just launched dairy-free ghee! Why? To countless people, ghee is irreplaceable in their diet. That's why when people approach a plant-based lifestyle: they struggle. Ghee is eaten in all... Read More
(Indian) Vegan Foods Loaded in Iron

(Indian) Vegan Foods Loaded in Iron

Iron is an essential mineral that contributes to good health and overall function. Without it, our bodies couldn’t form hemoglobin, a protein in the red blood cells that transports oxygen... Read More
Is vegan milk better than cow's milk?

Is vegan milk better than cow's milk?

Vegan milk vs cow's milk When it comes to selecting the perfect drink in the morning, there's now two options to choose from: dairy milk and plant-based milk. Sometimes it's spelled with a... Read More
Can curd be vegan?

Can curd be vegan?

Our story Even though One Good -formerly Goodmylk- started up in 2018, it really began when Abhay Rangan and his mother Veena realized the enormous amount of suffering animals endure... Read More
Veganism Explained (India)!

Veganism Explained (India)!

What is Veganism? According to Oxford Languages, veganism is: (Noun) the practice of eating only food not derived from animals and typically avoiding the use of other animal products.  This... Read More
Make a Vegan Burger in Less than 10 Mins (India)

Make a Vegan Burger in Less than 10 Mins (India)

Vegan burgers are taking over! The sun is out, and so is our latest vegan burger patty! Burgers are a favourite all over the world because, well, who can pass... Read More